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Article: An Approach to AI-Supported Learning in Architectural Education: Case of Speculative Space Design

This study focuses on using text-to-image AI tools in architectural design education. The research question is, 'How can we integrate image generator AI tools in the architectural design process and into the studio?' It can be said that there is a lack of sufficient literature on the possible uses of these tools in the design process. The motivation for this article is the need for further work on rapidly evolving AI tools in architectural education, examining their using possibilities, and making them a partner of the design process.

It is now more crucial than ever to encourage alternative thinking among architecture students by incorporating speculative narratives, such as utopias, into the curriculum to integrate image generator AI tools into the studio. A case study was designed as a workshop to explore this approach. The case was evaluated under two main headings: process and outputs. The design process was assessed within the context of reflectiveness, and the outputs were examined based on three criteria: the comprehensive description of utopia or dystopia, the continuity of sequences, and consistency with the literature. Based on the evaluation criteria, it was observed that successful students followed a more reflective design process compared to other students. In the discussion section, the potentials and limitations of using these tools in the design process were presented, and recommendations were made to studio instructors regarding the integration of these tools into education. These approaches will contribute to the effective utilization of AI in the studio.

Bildiri: Mimarlık EÄŸitiminde Yapay Zekâ Araçlarının Entegrasyonu ve Kullanım Potansiyeli: ÖÄŸrenci Deneyimleri

Mimari Tasarım AraÅŸtırmaları Ulusal Sempozyumu IV, Çekmeköy, Ä°stanbul, Turkey, April 25-27.

As a result of technological advancements, design tools and approaches are constantly evolving, leading to paradigm shifts in design education. Currently, innovations brought by artificial intelligence tools are particularly prominent. Designers who do not learn to effectively use these tools risk losing their competitiveness. Therefore, more study is needed to uncover the yet unexplored potentials of artificial intelligence tools in architectural education, examine their possible uses, and establish them as a common resource to enrich the design process. Within the scope of this study, firstly, a literature review was conducted on artificial intelligence, diffusion models, and the use of these tools in architectural education. While studies focusing on specific design stages were found in the literature, there is limited research on the integration of these tools across different stages. The aim of the study is to reveal the potentials of different diffusion models and explore the uses of these tools in various stages of the studio through student experiences. For this purpose, data were collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with students who have incorporated various artificial intelligence tools into the studio process and the instructors of these studios, audio-recording the interviews and analyzing these recordings. In addition, students' productions during the process were collected and evaluated together with the interview data. The differences in students' experiences were examined in three categories: inputs, outputs, and tool usage. As the design process progresses, inputs become more defined, while the number of variations in production decreases, requiring an increase in technical knowledge for production. Additionally, the views of studio instructors were obtained, revealing the potentials and threats of the tools. The study found that the tools have the potential to inspire ideas, facilitate idea transmission, accelerate production, and support atmosphere creation, but they may also pose threats such as limiting ideas, preventing deepening of design, and tool hijacking the process. Based on the findings from examining and analyzing the use of various diffusion models by students in studio processes, the study developed recommendations for the integration of artificial intelligence into the studio. The results demonstrate the potential for artificial intelligence tools to be integrated into various stages of the studio. It is believed that this study can contribute to future research on the integration of artificial intelligence into the studio and the development of alternative strategies.

Bildiri: Mimari Tasarımın Erken AÅŸamalarında Yapay Zekâ ve Tasarımcı EtkileÅŸimin Kurgulanması: Deneysel bir Atölye Çalışması

Ortak Yazarlar: Güliz Özorhon & Dilara Nitelik Gelirli

XVIII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Ulusal Sempozyumu, Bigadiç, Balıkesir, Türkiye, 29 Haziran - 3 Temmuz.

Other Publications: 

Özorhon, G., Mızrak Bilen, B., HacıhasanoÄŸlu, O, EfendioÄŸlu, G., Lekesiz, G., Tunç, H. (2024). Teaching the Basis of Architectural Knowledge in the Early Period of Architectural Education: An Assessment of "SOrg106". 18th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Valencia, Spain.


MüezzinoÄŸlu, C. & Yazıcı, S. (2024). An Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Architectural Design Methodology: Integration of Analog Methods, Computational Design and Diffusion Models, XVIII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Ulusal Sempozyumu. pp. 616-636.


​MüezzinoÄŸlu, C. (2023). Comparing Design Productivity Between Physical and Virtual Reality Modeling: Protocol Analysis for The Early Design Stages. ASCAAD Conference. pp. 996–1013.


Lekesiz, G. & Gürer, E. (2022). Mimari Tasarım Stüdyosunun Karmaşık Sistem Kavramsal Çerçevesinde DeÄŸerlendirilmesi. Journal of Computational Design, 3(2), 1-26.


MüezzinoÄŸlu, C. (2022). Environmentally Responsive Kinetic Structure Design Proposal Through Genetic Algorithms, JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design, 3(2),173-196.


Özorhon, G., Lekesiz, G. (2022). Second Year Architectural Design Studio Experience: Designing Space for Children. ATINER 12th Annual International Conference on Architecture, Athens, Greece.


Ozorhon, İ., Ozorhon, G., Lekesiz, G., Fırat., A. (2022). School Gardens as Space of Experiences/ Interactions: Design of an Outdoor Classroom in İstanbul. 9th International Outdoor Education Research Conference (IOERC9), Cumbria, United Kingdom.


Ozorhon, G. & Lekesiz, G. (2021). Re-considering the Architectural Design Studio after Pandemic: Tools, Problems, Potentials. Journal of Design Studio, 3(1), 19-36.


Lekesiz, G. (2021). Beden EtkileÅŸimli Tensegrity Strüktür Tasarımı. Mimari Tasarım AraÅŸtırmaları Ulusal Sempozyumu

(MÄ°TA-III), Ä°stanbul, Turkiye.


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